Birth and early life: A simple and pious Jutt family lived at the village Brahmi in Tehsil Ludhiana. The head of the family was Mian Nigahi Bakhsh who was a noble and true religious man. He was an employee in British Army. His wife Jannat Bibi was complete picture of a real Islamic ideal woman. Simplicity and following the orders of Allah Almighty was motto of their life. Once at Rawalpindi Mian Nigahi Bakhsh met with a saint who told him �Allah will bless you with a great son�. The prediction of that saint came true on 27th April 1911 when they were given the greatest honor by Allah, an honor for which all parents can long for. They were blessed with a lovely Son. Child was named Muhammad Barkat Ali. He got the education of Quran at his village. For worldly education first he went to Halwara and then Rai Kot. He was a Wali by birth and naturally inclined much towards Allah than worldly education. Sometimes he attended the shrines of darweshs in surrounding areas rather than attending school. It was talk of the town before partition that Muhammad Barkat Ali will be a famous Wali one day and his blessings will start from the northern parts of Sandal Bar and spread in the whole world. His father wished him to be highly educated and become a high officer at British Army. Service in the Army: He joined Royal British Army on 9th April 1930 at the age of 19 as per wishes of his respected father as gazetteer officer. He achieved army special certificate of education from Dera Doon Academy and selected as Voy cadet of Indian Military Academy. He was an efficient officer, very active and punctual by every aspect. He spent most of his service time at Roorki. From Roorki he used to go to the KHANQAH-E-SABIR at Kalyar regularly. As a young army officer in Royal Indian Engineers (Roorki Cantt) he served for thirteen years only and was boarded out honorably in 1945 for his hermetic practices that he had sensed and perceived irretrievably form Makhdum "Ala-ud-Din "Ali Ahmad As-Sabir� by his regular attendance at his khanqah in Kalyar on the bank of a canal, some six miles North-East of Roorki. During service General W.L.D. VEITCH was so impressed by his character that he not only respected him a lot but also did not eat anything in day times during the holy month or Ramadan as a token of respect and solidarity with him. He was the only Indian officer about whom GHQ called a report after every three months that what such an intelligent and able officer has done and he was awarded every year for best work. Married Life and Family: He was married to respected Barkat Bibi at the age of 16 in August 1927. She accompanied 51 long years of life with Hazrat Baba Gee and died on 9th January 1978. She was buried at Salar Wala (Faisalabad). Baba Gee gave her the title of �Makhdooma Dar-ul-Ehsan�. Baba Gee had 5 daughters and one son (Hazrat Mian Muhammad Anwar). He died at the early age of 45 on 26th April 1981. Three daughters of Hazrat Baba Gee are also alive by the grace of Allah and are happy with their sons and daughters. Hazrat Mian Muhammad Anwar has four sons. May Allah bless the entire family of Baba Gee with maximum blessings. Ba�iyat�Step towards destination: Continuous visits of KHANQAH-E-SABIR at Kalyar and a burning desire to be dearest to Allah showed its results at last. He was duly rewarded and spiritually blessed there. And as per orders he took the Ba�iyat (allegiance) at the hands of a living Sheikh Syed Amir-ul-Hassan Ambalvi whom Baba Gee often referred as Shah Wilayat (Sultan of Mysticism). Baba Gee enhanced his mystical knowledge further under his kind guidance. Commanded by his Sheikh Baba Gee became MUHAJIR ILL ALLAH (an emigrant to Allah) and migrated to Pakistan in 1947. After initial wanderings for a year or so he finally settled at Salar Wala in district Faisalabad. Dar-ul-Ehsan: After migration Baba Gee settled in his own fields near Salar Wala railway station. He got this land as a claim of his fathers land in India. After settling here he started his work of Dawat e Tableegh (preaching of Islam). He did not like to meet many persons in the start and focused on Zikr, Tableegh and writing. His writings were published in five volumes later on with name �Makshoofat Manazil e Ehsan�. He built a beautiful mosque, a darsgah, Quran Kareem Mahal, Memorial monumental minaret of �Ashab e Badr�, a charity hospital and two small mosques. All this was devoted to Muslims and this place was named �Dar-ul-Ehsan�. Baba Gee devoted his life for three divine and eternal objects wholeheartedly. 1. Zikr-e-Elahi 2. Service of the Creatures of Allah 3. Preaching of Islam He continued this sacred mission till his death and accomplished these tasks with great success. Dar-ul-Ehsan is the example of his mission. It means house of blessings. Quran Mahal shows Baba Gee�s love with the Holy Book and Almighty Allah. This is for preserving samples of old and new published Qurans. Old Qurans are placed here after beautiful book bindings. Also there is worth seeing collection of Qurans here from all over the world in different calligraphy styles. Free charity hospital organizes a free eye camp after every six months. Operations are carried out and lenses are provided free of cost. The patients are not only provided with shelter but also free food. Literary Work: To convey the message of Allah and guidance of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS) to the whole world Hazoor Baba Gee wrote more than 400 books on different themes including religion, ethics, metaphysics, hierology, Philosophy and psychology etc. These books were distributed worldwide free of cost. Notable publications of Baba Gee�s work are as under:
Message of Hazoor Baba Gee for Humanity: "O people! We have come to this world to earn for the life hereafter. Allah the Almighty has created us for His worship and everything of the universe for ourselves. Everything belongs to us and us to Allah the Almighty. This world is illusory, perishable and we are guests here for only a few days. We will have to leave our worldly wealth behind. We have nothing except our good deeds to take with us to the world hereafter. O people! Turn towards Allah the Almighty. This world and everything that it contains is temporary and only for a short time. It is subject to destruction. It will only last a few days. O people! We are not going to live here forever and nor are we to return. Everything that belongs to the world will be left behind. We can take none of it with us. We have come to the world in order to earn for the next ever-lasting life. What ever we sow here we will harvest there. O people! Fear Allah the Almighty do what is commanded and shun what is forbidden. Allah the Almighty has emphasized the importance of Salat / Prayer. Let no worldly job stop you. Give your Zakat whole heatedly. Pay your due in full and make sure it reaches the needy people. O people! The creation is Allah the Almighty's family. Be kind to the family of Allah the Almighty. Seek the pleasure of Allah the Almighty in the service of his creation. Let unity, understanding, love and brotherhood flourish among the Islamic nation." Baba Gee and Zikr Allah: Every place has a specialty the specialty of Dar-ul-Ehsan is Zikr-e-Elahi - The remembrance of Allah the Almighty. Baba Gee Hazoor reminds us: Where there is Allah's Zikr, there is Allah's Blessing. Where there is Allah's Zikr, there is Allah's Mercy. Where there is Allah's Zikr, gloom and grief disappear. Where there is Allah's Zikr, worries and anxiety vanish. Where there is Allah's Zikr, Satan cannot enter. Where there is Allah's Zikr, health abounds. Where there is Allah's Zikr, there is peace of mind. Where there is Allah's Zikr, there is the hearts satisfaction. Loud Zikr has many benefits: Loud Zikr gives the knowledge of the Zikr to those who don't know. Loud Zikr creates amongst the non-zakirs the fondness and inclination for remembrance. Loud Zikr has tongue, heart and mind, all three occupied in worship. Loud Zikr protects the Zakir against drowsiness, sleep and laziness. Loud Zikr has all its blessings reaching to all those places where the Zakirs voice reaches. Loud Zikr afford to the Zakir many witnesses who bear testimony on the Day of Judgment. Loud Zikr is sought after by the angels. Loud Zikr have glad tidings given to them by Allah the Almighty. Take it, that when ever we remember Allah the Almighty. Allah the Almighty is remembering us. We remember Him amongst human beings, He remembers us amongst the angels. Eternal Journey: Every man in this world is not forever and sooner or later every human has to meet his Allah. Death is a bitter reality for ordinary human beings but for the personalities like Hazoor Baba Gee it is like reaching at their destination and meeting their beloved. As per the will of Allah Almighty this gem of Wilayat met with his creator on Sunday 26th January 1997 after living 85 years and 9 months in this world. He was buried at the advised place of Sabri Kulli at Camp Dar-ul-Ehsan Chak # 242 RB Faisalabad. But his mission is continuing and will continue Insha�Allah forever. |